
Thursday, January 17, 2008


Another office update (it's all going to be office updates from here on, seeing as nothing exciting ever happens to me anyways), so here, here!

First of all, added a notch on my achievement list, after I scored a coup with the closing of another sponsorship deal! Nothing major, nothing REALLY big, but I did secure some sponsorship money to cover a few expenses here and there. I feel, like, really good about it. No, good is underrated; I'm euphoric! Seriously, after months of calls and follow-ups, getting that approval is a fantastic feeling XD High five for the NOOBIE, jiggedy jig!!

This month, I've got LOTS to do. It can't be helped, since I'm reporting to three bosses these days. One, I've got to compile a portfolio of sorts for the Task Force Siembrada, then I've got to arrange a PowerPoint presentation to go along with it (People at the office seem to think I'm a computer whiz or something :3).

Then there's the Hip Hop Dance Competition coming in. It seems to be going well; last meeting, we had a substantial amount of people who attended. Still, I have to chase a few more people, get things done and moving, and of course, the staple exercise of drafting and sending letters.

Another thing: I'm installing anti-virus thingies on the laptop. After a few installation go's, nothing still happens. So, yeah, that's another cargo which refuses to leave my head. Serious OCD issues are arising, me thinks.

Anyhow, my nerves have been really frayed ever since I started functioning as an executive secretary. I've been asked to go on Saturdays (my friggin' rest day!!) to type a seven-page document in an hour (I should have had a secretarial elective). Most important still, I can't absent myself from work; I never know when the boss' is going to saunter in and pop me some files to save and print. So, there goes my lovely schedule.

This is an update, to be subtitled later as a work rant.

Hunh, I've been having frequent headaches lately. Must be from all the hours spent in front of the monitor. Also, I haven't been able to sleep comfortably lately; my itty-bitty head is full of deadlines and dates.

As if I wasn't busy or anything, I enrolled myself for the IELTS review, with my sights poised for the blessed horizon of New Zealand. So, aside from my work schedule, I've got 5pm-8pm review sessions, which I attend all alone. Then, this coming week, lectures on a transcriptionist course (Whoo, how to spell transcriptionist?? Thank God for the spell checker!) will also begin, also at a 5pm-8pm schedule. I'm crazy. But these things will break the monotony of office work nicely.

Finally, (unless I remember something rant-worthy) I visited Brent Hospital this afternoon, my first exposure to the medical culture since I graduated. Anyways, I was ordered there by my boss to deliver something for a confined relative of his. I'm not suppose to be admitting this or anything, but I felt really happy to be in the hospital.

I dunno, everything was so familiar and cozy; I was confident enough to use the exit door as an entrance door. Anyhow, it made me realize how much I want to start working as a nurse, to actually practice what I've been taught and trained to do for four bloody years. At least I'd know what I'm doing (Marathon read later: Medical Surgical textbook! Woot!)

Oy vey. Just now, my boss told me to arrange the org website. It went like this (Thoughts and curses are in italics):

Boss (B): "You know a website?"
Me (M): "Which one?" (I know dozens; even yaoi and yuri sites, which have manga scan--er, where was I?)
B: "The org's site."
M: "Ive seen it" (It's rotting in domain hell)
B: "Know how to fix it?"
M: "Er, no." (Shit! I'm a nurse for crying out loud!)
B: "Okay, so you're gonna manage it from now on."
M: "But.." (*Sweatdrop*)
B: "We're gonna add some stuff, update it."
M: "I suppose I could ask Kuya Chris to teach me." (Oh effing, bloody, shit!)
B: "Can we add the [insert department name] newsletter in the website?"
M: "I suppose so. I'm gonna ask Kuya--" (Kuya Chrriiiiis!!)
B: "Good. Do it."
M: "Yeah. Sure" (Slam dunk, Jas.)

I am so going to demand a major pay raise for this.

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