
Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Yar. Despite the Christmas season, there's a definite drop in my spirits as December flies off. More accurately, I'm feeling execcesively bored this season; nothing to look forward to, really, with my friends abandoning me and stuff. Thank God for teh internet.

I finished my Christmas shopping; take note that I bought nothing for myself. Sigh. I am at an age where I do the giving rather than the receiving. I'm guessing that nobody's going to give me any pwesents this 25th. I curse the day I became an adult!

So yeah, I'm super bored. I don't even have the gusto to do my job. And to think I agreed to another 6 months here. I mean, the job's ok and all. Usually, I have to organize stuff and call people up. Then, there's research proposals and scary bosses. On the other hand, UNLIMITED internet connection. Hmmmm. Thanks to that, I have dloaded lots of nifty stuff online. On the other hand, the unlimited dloads were the main reason why the MAIN computer CRASHED. Dang. Now, I do stuff on the office laptop. Lovely, really, since I get to take this baby home and watch DVDs till the wee hours of dawn. Brrr. I am in a love/hate relationship with my job.

Yesterday, the office had a Christmas fellowship of sorts at Mang Inasal, courtesy of the gift tickets I wangled from the manager during my sponsorship-hunting days. Technically, them gift certs are for the competition on February 22, but the management did not seem to mind. We had bbq chicken, fried kangkong (read: kangkoooooong!!!) and sinigang laced with too much Aji-stuff. Talk was mostly machismo stuff. I tuned out early, since I was too sleepy (blame it on the Avatar marathon the night before). Breakfast today was fried chicken. I felt like throwing up.

I have this thing about myself. I think I am too timid, to the point that it's pathologic. Anyway, shan't elaborate on this one. I'll be musing on it during Christmas and New Year. New Year Resolution: Be BOSSY!!


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