we have all seen what the Philippines is today. We are a corrupt and dying nation; it is a suufering nation. her people have lost all hope for the future and have resigned themselves with their status quo, total hopelessness and desperation.
young and old, child and adult- reality has spared no one. everyone knows what we are facing right now. we have become the butt of jokes, of insults and ridicule. we have nothing to be proud of anymore. no one would like to say 'i am a Filipino'; in many countries Filipino is defined as a hired help, worker or even whore.
this is the Philippines. you know it, and i know it. what are you doing about it then? would you have another country to call home should the Philippines disappear? will other nations take you in? are you waiting for the day when we will be homeless and faceless, scorned and ridiculed?
this is a time for a revolution, a revolution of change to significantly alter our nation and yes, the people. their attitudes, lifestyles, habits and outlooks- all that needs to be change.
but this is not to be a revolution of violence or of rallies. no mortal is capable of redeeming this country and her honor and her people. this nation is so seeped in sin that it is only by divine grace and intervention by which we can salvage the Philippines. how many leaders have we had? how many have raised our expectations with hopes and promises, only to destroy it again? we have had many kinds of leaders, many kinds of schemes and plans, but they will not work. this revolution is a spiritual revolution, a prayer revolution.
a very famous verse in II corinthians says that if my people will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways..... very familiar indeed right? this is the only hope, the only way...God Himself.
why? can HE not change a nation when HE Himself created it?
this is the desire of the Jesus Revolution Now! it is a nameless and faceless movement among the Filipinos that have the desire to see a national transformation come into our country. People from all walks of life will gather to pray and fast for our nation, and seek to see God-inspired change to come and revive the nation from its slumber.
it has happened in many different places in the Philippines; now it is here in Zamboanga City. Zamboanguenos are asked to wake up from the stupor of apathy and join in this prayer revolution for the city, a city who was once the pride of Mindanao.
this is a call for all Zamboangueno, to all those who love God and care enough for Zamboanga, an invitation for those who seek righteousness and revival, those who still have the heart that feels and beats- join the Solemn Assembly, on May 20 at the Grandstand, from 6 pm to 6 am. Better yet, join the working committees. with 3 days to go, we need everyone's help.
are you capable of being a human being? then wake up and do something before all is too late.
the country, the people have suffered too much. it is time to change. cry out for a revolution of change in Zamboanga and the Philippines!
this is the revolution cry...will you heed it??
09267866414, 9840505, 9919761, jesusrev_zamboanga@yahoo
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
summer ending
after days of waking up early, i am finally free!! yup my summer class is ending and the school finally allowed us poor things to have 2 weeks vacation before the next torture camp will begin. gone are the days of jealousy, where i would enviously watch my cousins go bedy bye while i had to go to school. bwehehehe, i could simply rejoice. problem is though, my system got so used to waking up early that i find myself staring at the ceiling for hours before i realize that i can sleep for as long as i want. gaaaah, conditioning...this summer class also left me paranoid about everything. i waste a lot of time thinking of the things that i need to do before succumbing to depression and worry, becoming your very own worry rat. maybe i should advertise myself as just that (hem hem...worrying for something?why bother! call the WOrry RAt and she'll worry for you!!! limited sanity space left..call now!) nah, really, school is not suppose to make you like that. its suppose to keep you on your toes, not cause you to lose all your fingernails due to biting.sad to say our school systems nowadays is so focused on cramming more and more subjects in less time that they fail to inject a little something called quality. to borrow the words from my ethics class...totality is forgotten. its i-dont-give-a-hoot-about-you-as-long-as-you-are-in-class mentality that is boss in schools. no problem with being strict and expecting the best from your class. but, really, how can we have productive citizens if they're all a nervous wreck??
summer is finally here. no school, no teachers, no classmates (kidding really) no projects..just poor unadulterated wasting of time! i am free to do absolutely nothing and just go and be a couch potato and add a gazillion pounds to my body for all i care. summer will mean that i'll get to spend time with my cousin lance. summer means that i can finally work for the JREV now! a movement i have been looking forward to.
ah yes..now that is summer...
summer is finally here. no school, no teachers, no classmates (kidding really) no projects..just poor unadulterated wasting of time! i am free to do absolutely nothing and just go and be a couch potato and add a gazillion pounds to my body for all i care. summer will mean that i'll get to spend time with my cousin lance. summer means that i can finally work for the JREV now! a movement i have been looking forward to.
ah yes..now that is summer...
Friday, May 13, 2005
an abode i finally can call my own! currently under construction, i am here today sitting in from of the monitor and pestering my cousin about this so called html-language-for-web-templates-whatchamacallits mumbo jumbo. berman is smarter than i am when it comes to webs and net. i am a complete dunce when it comes to this things...actually serves me right for not listening to my teacher in high school (bad bad bad )
i am trying to maintain two blogs (ambisyosa!!!) but now i think i'l update this one hopefully regularly. i'l also transfer some other blogs i started here. for what purpose...nothing actually. like this one, they don't mean a thing ^__^ they say that blogs gives you an idea of what a person thinks (duh), what's on his mind. well this is a perfect example. in viewing my blog you see absolutely (tantananan!!) nothing. just cobwebs and an unused and wasted brain. the creative juices don't flow; i don't have them in the first place ^__^
mwehehe..i am my own worst critic. speaking of which..i still have to finish my movie review...shucks, i don't feel like it anymore (bad bad bad).
im happy. finaly this blog is looking good. dont get me wrong, i have got a long way to go. nope i dont aim to be the best blogger in the world (blog-lings bow BWAHHAHHA!). its just simply a matter of pride. my writing skills are in a rut (after a 2 year hiatus), i have no new thoughts or ideas, and i am not cynical nor sarcastic enough to be your typical alpha-female bitch. tht seems to be the trend of most blogs. bitching..i don't have anything against them, in fact i admire them. nothing like spewing fire poetically. o such cruelty! inhuman!!!

this is a picture of won bin and uhm, i still dont know his name (^__^)but they are the stars of the movie taegukqi, a war movie courtesy of my frend shara...
i am trying to maintain two blogs (ambisyosa!!!) but now i think i'l update this one hopefully regularly. i'l also transfer some other blogs i started here. for what purpose...nothing actually. like this one, they don't mean a thing ^__^ they say that blogs gives you an idea of what a person thinks (duh), what's on his mind. well this is a perfect example. in viewing my blog you see absolutely (tantananan!!) nothing. just cobwebs and an unused and wasted brain. the creative juices don't flow; i don't have them in the first place ^__^
mwehehe..i am my own worst critic. speaking of which..i still have to finish my movie review...shucks, i don't feel like it anymore (bad bad bad).
im happy. finaly this blog is looking good. dont get me wrong, i have got a long way to go. nope i dont aim to be the best blogger in the world (blog-lings bow BWAHHAHHA!). its just simply a matter of pride. my writing skills are in a rut (after a 2 year hiatus), i have no new thoughts or ideas, and i am not cynical nor sarcastic enough to be your typical alpha-female bitch. tht seems to be the trend of most blogs. bitching..i don't have anything against them, in fact i admire them. nothing like spewing fire poetically. o such cruelty! inhuman!!!

this is a picture of won bin and uhm, i still dont know his name (^__^)but they are the stars of the movie taegukqi, a war movie courtesy of my frend shara...
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
movie week
this week i become an amateur film critic. although i only boast of watching 4 movies, i do believe that i too can give more or less a decent review for the movies i watched. after all, i do have my preferences and my likes, attended a workshop once on reviewing a movie (entitled Maleana...great movie by the way), and like everybody else wants to enjoy herself while watching a movie. to cap it all, i live with my brother (who is by the way a critical reviewer himself)...maybe some of it rubbed off on to me...anyway, this goes to say that these reviews are based entirely on my opinion and should in no way dictate yours! so here goes the first one!
note: i am not particular with the techie aspects like movie time or casts or scripts and that sort of stuff...but since this is a review, i hope to get it up later!
1. the pacifier
vin diesel stars as the uptight, strict, navy seal lt. shane wolfe who is assigned to protect the family of an assasinated scientist, whose chip has the potential to damage and impair the US army's nuclear and missiles waeponry. as he takes on the role of a babysitter, he must contend with the 5 headstrong kids that he is assigned to protect, find the chip and keep it from going into evil hands, discover the true meaning of family, fall in love and learn how to change red baby's diaper.
frankly speaking, i expected a lot from this movie after i saw its trailer. i expected to get a good laugh, but i a wee bit disapponted after i saw it. it only had a few laughable laughs, and it really never managed to hit that note that i was looking for. i found the story development too fast in a sense that we were not shown how the relationship of lt. wolfe with the kids develop. the characters were not given ample time to develop and several tidbits and info regarding their background were thrown in during the middle part of the story. one thing i found disturbing was the shifting of scenes. there wasn't a lot of signs that would lead the viewer to know that it was time for the next scene; there was some parts that i was confused since i thought that this scene was still part of the previous scene. not that annoying but it quite confused me.
the story is quite formulaic but no doubt vin diesel's stunts, not to mention the effort and skills of his young co-stars are the shining points of this movie. except for a few scenes where the kids were kind of stiff in their acting, the maturity and their talent shines through in the movie.
this movie is definitely recommended for kids and the family. it has the nice mixture of action, music, fun, and humor.
rating: 5/10
note: i am not particular with the techie aspects like movie time or casts or scripts and that sort of stuff...but since this is a review, i hope to get it up later!
1. the pacifier
vin diesel stars as the uptight, strict, navy seal lt. shane wolfe who is assigned to protect the family of an assasinated scientist, whose chip has the potential to damage and impair the US army's nuclear and missiles waeponry. as he takes on the role of a babysitter, he must contend with the 5 headstrong kids that he is assigned to protect, find the chip and keep it from going into evil hands, discover the true meaning of family, fall in love and learn how to change red baby's diaper.
frankly speaking, i expected a lot from this movie after i saw its trailer. i expected to get a good laugh, but i a wee bit disapponted after i saw it. it only had a few laughable laughs, and it really never managed to hit that note that i was looking for. i found the story development too fast in a sense that we were not shown how the relationship of lt. wolfe with the kids develop. the characters were not given ample time to develop and several tidbits and info regarding their background were thrown in during the middle part of the story. one thing i found disturbing was the shifting of scenes. there wasn't a lot of signs that would lead the viewer to know that it was time for the next scene; there was some parts that i was confused since i thought that this scene was still part of the previous scene. not that annoying but it quite confused me.
the story is quite formulaic but no doubt vin diesel's stunts, not to mention the effort and skills of his young co-stars are the shining points of this movie. except for a few scenes where the kids were kind of stiff in their acting, the maturity and their talent shines through in the movie.
this movie is definitely recommended for kids and the family. it has the nice mixture of action, music, fun, and humor.
rating: 5/10
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