
Monday, March 29, 2010

Sturm und drang

I've always believed in my ability to stare into the eyes of the deadline monster, make it back off and crap itself. Unfortunately, the head honcho of all deadline monsters decided that enough was enough. The ickle beasties came back with a vengeance and totally obliterated my pride into pixie dust. I'm waging a losing battle, my report already settling on its 2nd day as an overdue and pending failure.

I've always been particular with meeting deadlines. My English teacher in high school ingrained in me my future work habit with her philosophy: I don't care how you do it or when you do it. Just as long as you have it when I ask for it. Campus journalism at its coolest.

At work, I carried this philosophy to heart. My bosses know better than to bother me with futile requests for updates. I'd lounge all week before getting into frenzied action, but I always manage to deliver so, no harm done.

Modesty aside, I have not missed a single deadline prior to this failure. Nuh-uh. Never mind that I sometimes submit my report at 11:59 in the evening. The point is, it got there a minute earlier and not a minute later.

It's official. Deadline is here to bite my ass.

I don't know what happened to me this time, though. I guess one can blame the amount of stress I had last month as the reason for the gaping hole in my brain. I can blame the rotating power interruptions for breaking my work momentum. All valid reasons, but in the end, I blame myself for lacking the discipline to see my assignments through the day. I rely too much on procrastination-induced adrenaline to come up with thinly disguised bullshit to pad out my assignments.

No more of this. Beginning today, here's the new world order, so brain, shut up and pay attention:

  • Lessen internet hours. Surfing, games and movies will be limited to at least two hours of your 8-hour working day
  • Once you have an assignment, start on it. RIGHT AWAY. No more tomorrow bullshit from you.
  • Articles for editing can only sit with you for a maximum of two days. Chop them fast and quick, then it's off to delivery
  • Go to work earlier. Take advantage of the morning peace to work on your stuff
  • Run maintenance on your computer. You can't keep blaming it for being slothful all the time without you doing something about it
  • Avoid bring home tasks. You're suppose to do work at the work place, not at home.
  • Try beating you past performance. Dazzle the bosses even more

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